Friday, September 21, 2007

Fun Friday

Everyone seemed to do well on their functions quiz today. You will get them back on Tuesday assuming everyone has taken it by then. If you did not take the quiz, you have until Wed. to make it up.

After the quiz we watched part of Numbers dealing with Fair Division. Be sure you remember all of the old material as tests will be cumulative.

Have a great weekend!

Coming up:
- If you did not take the quiz today, you have until Wednesday!
- Monday we will begin incorporating Sets with Functions

Posting for Points Question:
Each day you will find a question here that relates to the notes from that day. You must respond to at least 3 each week to recieve credit for this portion of your homework grade. Responses are created by clicking on comment.

For today just post a comment saying HI!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Welcome to the Discrete Math Blog.

The main purpose of this blog is to allow anyone that misses class to see what material we covered, as well as find some notes and diagrams used during that day's lesson.

There will also be questions posted each day. You MUST answer at least 3 questions each week as part of your weekly homework grade. You should check this website often for updates and notes!